Jan 15, 2025
HDEC 101 - Human Development I (3.0 credits)
This course provides the student with an introduction to the concepts, theories, research methods, and findings relevant to the study of human development from prenatal and birth through adolescence. Emphasis is placed on the application of life-span principles and developmental concepts in individual and social contexts. The effects of heredity and environment, as well as ethical issues relevant to the research of development, are also presented.
Pre- or Co-Requisites: HDEC 100 Non-Course Prerequisites: Criminal Record Check Schedule B works with “children” or works with “children and vulnerable adults.” Admission to the Early Childhood Education and Care Diploma Program or Education Assistant Certificate and Diploma Program. Restrictions: Must be in ECE/EA program (ECEC2/EDAS…)
~ Lecture Hours: 45 ~
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